He Is Risen

I'm a multi-passionate person

It is evident from this blog that I am very passionate about creativity and serving others. My other passions include:

  • Serving God

  • Serving my country

I've always wanted to share everything I love, but was told from multiple blogging gurus that if I wanted a successful blog I could only share one passion or niche.

Except, lately I've run across multiple blogs that have more than one niche and, lo and behold, they appear to be doing quite well. Since they can do it, I figured that I can too. 

One aspect of my life that I have been wanting to share is my Catholic faith. Nothing preachy or anything like that, but I've been feeling called to incorporate scripture and art together. 

Since Easter is this Sunday, I thought it a perfect time to share this heart watercolor wreath. 

  • 8 x 10 inch

  • High Resolution

Jesus IS risen and is still alive and with us today.

Have A Blessed Easter!!