100 Days Of Skillshare Project [Part 4]

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I orignially started this project with the intent of doing it as part of the #The100dayproject, a yearly project that artist participate in. I had good intentions in keeping up with the project. I had everything planned out and even got a jump start on it by completing a week of projects ahead of the official start date. Somewhere a long the way I was sidetracked by this thing we call life. Instead of getting down about it, or coming to a complete stop, I decided to keep on going at my own pace. Going at my own pace has taken tons of pressure off me and has made this project something I know I can complete and have fun along the way.

Here are the next seven Skillshare projects Iโ€™ve completed in what I call Part 4.

Thanks for following along with my 100 Days of Skillshare Project! Click one of the buttons below to view more.

* If you're interested in any or all of these classes, itโ€™s definitely worth it to check out Skillshare.
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- Thanks, Skillshare!